OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN m0 00 HERB. HORT. EDINB. . foISSV19 BED REE BD me xrite ero) ua a = Si enema cree ATOOOOOOOU TOTO ATTTHATT FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Maranhio copyright reserved No. R7744 Byrsonima sericea DC. Vernacular name: Murici 8.5km from Alto Parnaiba on the road to Riberao Gongalves, 9°03’S 45°52’ W. Cerrado on very sandy soil. Tree, 5m tall, 10cm dbh, with smoot just showing the beginning of fissuri elongated reticulum. h pale fawn bark ng ina Vertically 23 vii 1997 Coll. J.A. Ratter, J.F. Ribeiro, SB; Fonséca Filho, > S- Bridgewater & j,
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