OCR text
° fe) re} < aes To) e = a ro ” @ i ro) °. a ne Neth TELEGRAMS, “FARAD. SOWEST, LONDON’ TeLePHone N°7OI Victoria. 10 April 22nd, 1926. ear Professor Wright Although you yourse to true from seed, I gee that in a letter vy the ne t it eannot he Telied upon sto’ c +7 In connection Ta Chive, you may he el qa te new that seed I sowed of the r: red form h flowered this D+
ROYAL Boe a is ae os 3 oO ) fo fo) 7) i) pee — = aD = ) 2 fe) (S) HERB. MUS. PARIS. - As Vee) AL bn GIL ee Gd.e. Tin Li \ ma ROYAL BOTAN GARDEN CHINE (Tater ortenrat). — Prove? de Moupin (in iil i un ; M. PAbbé Daviv. — 4870.
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet