OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wg 00 00 | of Rhidedencksn..com cinnciole. hnsle Aud ye) = EX HERB: HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. Field No. Uodlodten tn 8578 (in ah Muiyten Word, Wo. 9998. Le Or Lay " i B Sais ee oe N. 06 Coot. Aly. 12000 ft. = 8165, 8227, nyte Lhe fers -rhnododendron forest, Specimens with flower buds. The lepidote bud scales with finel ciliate margin, as well as the Leaves sugzest Section Mendede 18/9/28. Now in bloom ~ many fallen corolla. Lobes and woe. art of corolla pinkish purple (with darker spotting inside) for eee White at the base: anthers brownisn yellow, The corolla eg oe finely lepidote on the outside, glabrous within 3; the peaks scattered. It is of the 'hag's back! type, Sigs one compressed laterally, (as in Rh, dendricola). Blanens a ao pairs, two (upper and lower, shortest and longest) eine ied bag of filamentsé hairy. They form a close pallisade Monne tne wee Longest 3 stamens exserted. Style glabrous, longer than lon gate stamens, well exserted. 24/8/23, Ward 8578", SS
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet