OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN or) Ae LL reserved Flora of Belize Fabaceae Aese' nowrwene Vi Net. D.Cav beso, #2043 Corozal: Sarteneja-Chunox Road; 4 Km West of Sarteneja; forest north of Sarteneja road. 18°19'24" N, 88°10'39" W Frequent woody herb | m in roadside scrub; bright orange- yellow flowers. Seasonal, deciduous forest on limestone. Low forest tol2 m with Lysiloma latisiliquum, Mimosa bahamensis, Metopium brownei & Diospyros tetrasperma. Collector: Goodwin, Zoé A. 1600 With: Lopez, German N.; Lloyd, Adam J.J. & Lloyd, Kate A. 27 May 2010 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) | | Darwin Initiative Project - Conservation of the lowland £00564343 ___savanna ecosystemin Belize |
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