OCR text
i | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00554141 | HERB. HORT. EDINB, Flora of Belize Euphorbiaceae Croton arboreus Millsp. Orange Walk: Old Northern Highway 3 miles from Carmelita, towards Maskall & Bomba; 50 m north of road. 18°01'10" N, 88°31'36" W Frequent shrub 3 m at edge of oak thicket; small green fruit. Oak thicket, dominated by Quercus oleoides 16 m, with few other trees such as rare Ficus sp 15 m & occasional Metopium brownei 5 m. Dense understory of shrubs incl. many “savanna” species such as abundant Calliandra houstoniana 2 m, Curatella americana 3 m, frequent Davilla kunthii 2 m, Parathesis cubana 3 m & occasional Acacia sp. 3 m, as well as “forest” species; abundant Hampea trilobata 2 m, frequent Croton sp. 2 m, Coccoloba sp. 3 m & occasional Guettarda combsii 4 m. Herb layer consisting of grasses sparse due to dominance of shrub layer and thick leaf litter layer. Site burnt 1.5-2 months previously, area clearly used as cattle pasture (hoof prints & cowpats). Collector: Goodwin, Zoé A. 1506 With: Lopez, German N. 17 May 2010 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) Darwin Initiative Project - Conservation of the lowland savanna ecosystem in Belize se) o e ® r ‘i a eal r Bo) a > a fo rs) Mee0e@564
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet