OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB, Me@e0323 Eriocaulon fuliginosum C. Wright ex Griseb. Det. Goodwin, Zoé A. 5" June 2011 ) cs} Flora of Belize Eriocaulaceae So a Pd he ® n 4 aad <£ Do aS ) 2 ° oO Cayo: More Tomorrow; savanna at roadside on More Tomorrow access road, c. 3 Km from village. 17°20'10" N, 88°40'48" W Frequent tiny herb 5 cm. Open pine woodland savanna. Frequent Pinus caribaea 15-17 (-20) m, abundant Acoelorraphe wrightii 2 (-5) m, frequent Byrsonima crassifolia 1-3 (-5) m & Calliandra houstoniana I- 2 m. Herb layer a mix of sedges & grasses with abundant Mimosa spp. Open damp spaces dominated by Utricularia spp. & Acisanthera crassipes. Disturbance from logging (numerous tracks & cut trunks); significant damage by recent (1 month previous) hurricane Richard with debris from standing trees, fallen oak, pine & craboo. Site dry season. burnt previous Collector: Goodwin, Zoé A. With: Lopez, German N. 1750 7 . 27 November 2010 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ATTN __ Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (B) | | | Darwin Initiative Project - Conservation of the lowland “ E00554556 ann Ree ee
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