OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00544127 | HERB. HORT. EDINB. The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh The Flora of Belize Iridaceae Alophia silvestris (Loes.) Goldblatt Belize: Belize, Just north of the Western Highway, before mile 29. Site 1 17° 21° 25.879" N 88° 33’ 07.478" W (WGS84) Savanna with dense pine to 14 m (25% canopy cover); shrub layer with Byrsonima crassifolia (A) to 5m (occasionally 8 m) and a dense shrub layer to 2 m (20% cover) containing Davilla kunthii (F), Dodonaea viscosa (A), Acoelorraphe wrightii (O), Curatella americana (O), Myrica cerifera (O), Miconia albicans (F), Clidemia sericea (F) & Compositae (SB40) (A). 100% ground cover of tussocky grass (& sedge) with Cassytha filiformis (A) & lots of pine needles. Alt.: 40m Occasional herb to 80 cm amongst grass tussocks; bulb to 5 cm long, bright yellow inside; 6 tepals pale mauve/blue except at base where green with small purple/brown spots, outer tepals ~ 20x12 mm, inner tepals smaller; 3 anthers deep purple; gynoecium with mauve 3-lobed stigma; immature fruit up to 10 mm long. Goodwin, Zoé A. with 15 SEP 2009 Bridgewater, Samuel G.M. 1040 Darwin Initiative Project No.17022 Conservation of the lowland savanna ecosystem in Belize MQe00323 xo} ct) Ps i fo ” 2 ed on Da = > Qa fe) oO
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