OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00544202 HERB. HORT. EDINB. sé The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh The Flora of Belize Orobanchaceae Buchnera pusilla Kunth Belize: Belize, Runaway Creek Reserve; 100 m west of Coastal highway. Site 6. 17° 17° 46.26428" N 88° 28° 31.34192" W (WGS84) Medium dense oak & pine savanna with shrubs. Frequent Pinus caribea, abundant Quercus oleioides to 5-8 m (-12 m). Shrub layer of Byrsonima crassifolia, Curatella americana, Calliandra houstoniana and Myrtaceae; all to 2 m. Herb layer dominated by grasses and Cassytha filiformis. Well drained. Alt.: 30m Frequent herb to 40 cm in open areas between grass tussocks; white flowers. Goodwin, Zoé A. with Barrientos, 02 OCT 2009 Eduardo 1097 Darwin Initiative Project No.17022 Conservation of the lowland savanna ecosystem in Belize copyright reserved oD 0 wn 2g fax) g aa
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet