OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. \ : Agalinis hispidula (Mart.) D'Arcy Det. Goodwin, Zoé A. 13" Sep 2011 The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh The Flora of Belize Orobanchaceae Agalinis Raf. Belize: Orange Walk, Savanna west of Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary western lagoon. Site 9A 17° 46° 39.54" N 88° 34° 52.02" W (WGS84) Open woody savanna with scattered palmetto; with frequent Acoelorraphe wrightii (5 m), occasional Byrsonima crassifolia (6 ‘7 i HSSaH 19yD9YIIC Bega ee) ‘ Ea SS TUNNTTUNTTTNOTTATITT ae) ct) Pa — i) n 4 ed pony D st > fo} ° oO m), Curatella americana (3 m), rare Pinus caribaea (to 20 m) providing <10% cover. Herb layer dominated by sedges providing 80% ground cover. Evidence of past inundation, and lots of anthropogenic disturbance including Cutting & past burning. Alt.: 45m Frequent herb to 40 cm amongst sedges; shallow : roots; with pale pink corolla tube and white corolla lobes eo filaments & white anthers. oun Goodwin, Zoé A. with Barrientos , 08 OCT 200: ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Eduardo 1151 ; EDINBURGH | | | Darwin Initiative Project No.17022 Conservation of the lowland sava : 00544117 nna ecosystem in Belize
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet