OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00544114 | HERB. HORT. EDINB. vor, neolecta (D.Don) LO Willams Det. Goodwin, Zoé A. RF [Jan /2010 Flora of Belize Melastomataceae Clidemia capitellata (Bonpl.) D. Don var. neglecta (D. Don) L.O. Williams Det: Goodwin, Z.A. 27 January 2010 Cayo: Mountain Pine Ridge. North slope of Privaccion Creek Distance from GPS reading: within 20 m. : 17°02'09" N, 88°5S6'52" W Shrub 1 m tall, abundant around the collecting area: red hairs: 6 white petals, white stamens, dark purple fruits; specimens _ taken from multiple individuals. . Open savanna dominated by Melastomataceae. Hypericum spp., Curatella americana, Pinus caribaea, Clusia and grasse | S S. Collector: Xue, Xinxin With: Goodwin, Zoé A. 4 | 15 January 2008 | Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) Ss Cicdlemia copiteliata (Bong.) D.Don copyright reserved MQQ0327
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