OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN gt HERB. HORT. EDINB. a BES) 19499YTIC DP aac) coli - MUATTTUATOTATITOUATOOTIT copyright reserved Flora of Mato Grosso Mato Grosso Botanical Study Group DMM ii. it. Annona coriacea Mart. B. Dubs No. 1870 Date: 21-X-1995 Serra das Araras, Vao Grande, mun. Alto Paraguay, ca 10 km S of MT-246 Mato Grosso MT Pasture Tree, 6 m high; petals geyish orange. Flowers visited by many ants determined by: J. A. Ratter, 1996 distributed to: E, K, MBM, S, UFMT, z
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet