OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00475865 BF. EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. BIRKBECK COLLEGE EXPEDITION TO TURKEY 1974 Cenltaured tglerLapa_ s01sT Tialis ) . Coll. C. S. PIERCE & J. B. E. BRENAN No. -~» HERB. HORT. REG. BOT. KEW. FLORA OF -uexey Name: Cent aude solstitial cs i Vernacular Name: Locality: aoe es S34 laa Suc. are sail sadive ent Jiced woh low neu Broineae dhe ~ tke GO Aesth, RHORTU Well avozed pla plac Date: 3-74) J (inane ae Notes: velloo thistle , leaves pale Silves base + plank. occosiomol te Collector: $ Piece + B Brencn Ss co = i ® ” cy — oe = o)) c= > fo} ° o
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