OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GA 'URG I I | | E j | DINB | 004764 | 07 | | ui \ ‘i ’ f— i phot. GDET 25 [oF ry + : Aan be | | Cerne ae > det. G ean GSttingen, Y. 10. 19 34 Aan terLcca 100198 FLORA OF RAN Kurdistan, Nawa Kuh, 2) km, N.W. of Karina: éryish crevices on N, facing limestone cliffs: Rose-purple: Pe: Alte ce 4340 m Colle J.C. Archibald 13 May 1966 Noe 4874 | o > — ® re 2 be 3 =) 5 row ° a)
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