OCR text
<i : ae) \\) | us , v ee Cuil M72 |) E 2 le) 4 BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH SOGs copyright reserved . NY : ery HERB. MUSEI HIST. NATUR. VINDOB. Det. Beep pro , Hore ie Co ded bp” Ser) hf acl i) bey 198.2. K. H. Rechinger FLORA OF IRAN Dianthus Luristan, Milleh Surkah, between Khorramabad and Burujird: Eroded N, & ¥ W. facing basalt cliffs; Rose=~pink; compact tufts in crevices ROYAL ana ae RDEN in os 5 lay 196 Colle JeC. Archibald Noe 174135
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