OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. an eF Se ie) a Flora of Belize 10 =a ie] copyright reserved Darwin Initiative Project - Developing Integrated Assessment of Biodiversity in Secondary Forest in Belize Marantaceae Calathea lutea (Aubl.) G. Meyer rs} Det by Z.A.Goodwin on Aug 07 Belize: Orange Walk District, Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary, ~5 km SW of Crooked Tree Village, 200 m west of western lagoon, plot 5. =z iE 6 17° 44° 55.4" N 88° 34° 1.3" W (WGS84) Disturbed tropical, evergreen, broadleaf, seasonal, lowland forest dominated by Cecropia sp & Attalea cohune. Understory dominated by young Cupania belizensis & Attalea cohune saplings. ee es a ea ig, mi Altitude: ~20m = 3 2 Canopy 20 m in an area farmed within the last 30 years, on limestone bedrock. i Frequent herb; leaf often >40 cm long, stipe 1.3 m long; leaf blades glaucus below, often used to make tortillas & tamales. Inflorescence brown & sticky. oe 0 cm Goodwin, Zoé Africa 636 27 Mar 2007 with I.Chan, R.S.Tillett & E.Tillett Sheet: 2 of 2 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00544274
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet