OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. Sa REAL JARDIN BOTANICO, MADRID (MA) xo} oO Pd be co n o ad = ey = > 2 ° [S) Geranium niuginiense Veldkamp C. Aedo 2013 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh/Trekforce Expedition to Irian Jaya 1992 No. 92780 Date 20 October 1992 Name Geraniaceae Qeranusm vodlhelminac Gevouwr Wi vwuhelmunad Veldkowmp Collector M. Mendum Locality Wamena river camp. Habitat Damp ground near river. Alt. 3360 m. oss IRIAN JAYA s Qos: “Central Highlands -— S| Ey: Jayapura 7 Notes Stoloniferous; flowers pink. 1 | | | ' ' 1 | ' { 1 ! 1 J AY es g ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ibele river cies ye ‘\ North Baliem yy x EDINBURGH ie An expedition sponsored by ‘Herbarium Bogoriense and MIA ee ' Universiti Bandung q ines ciate i F E00435844 4 Mt Trikora ge SS
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