OCR text
‘ HERB. HORT. EDINB. a ~ eb BEATS vy La. rf | gc ibs y VO Wawa a valli, Y, : S a a Wies, xo} cd) Pad i“ o 7?) 2 os = o)) cS 4) Qa fe) iS) The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh The Flora of Georgia Caryophyllaceae Spergularia diandra (Guss.) Boiss. Georgia: Kiziki, Dedoplistskaro, Kasristskali, Lekistskali Gorge. 41° 7° 3.3" N 46° 34’ 48" E (WGS84) Way point = 50 Alt.: 234m Vegetation: Pistacia Habitat: Desert, saline Description: Annual to 8cm, flowers small, pinkish. — Brown, Richard & Prestage, Anne with Manana Khutsishvili 14 MAY 2010 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN No. 215 EDINBURGH : 00428307 3A ai
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