OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN HERB. HORT. EDINB. Q uy EDINBURGH RH) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN xy copyright reserved FLORA OF OMAN 4 Name: Di Snaen. VISCOS er Nicq. Arabic : Family : locality: Jebel al Akhdar, 1st Road junction, from the road camp. Co-ords: 23,045 . 57,40 E Alt: 1480 m. Habitat: sheltered fold in the hills re near the top of a wadi. Standing water in places. \) Z\ Description & Uses: Bush 1-2m high 7q lustrous green elongated leaves winged seed pods, with redish tinges. Sticky sap from the leaves. Date: 8.9.84 Collector&No; R.E.Ash, 85 Photo & Specimen EDINBURGH E00436652
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet