OCR text
| ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MU E00436378 | | { Vae Lo othatice Deak Det. P. H. Davis meSepas Gsanen May DI Te an yeins ApoNnn meas eae * THAN Universitatis Hebraicae flierosolymitanae Divisio Botanica Flora Terrae Israblis Exsiccata os 441, Pistacia atiantica Desf 3.6m var. cabulicea(Stocks )Zohary. Monogr .Pist. (linser, ) Lower Galilee, Yagur to Tiv'’on, ren- nants of Quercetun ithaburensis, 1.6, Vo ey il Aohary., oO | ae re aa) | 2 — <= | Dd) } = | = 2 | Oo | [s)
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