OCR text
Ag oi RDEN INBURGH 6 ay S-e--Ren| j o — i} a) Fs — ® a 3 pa ed is oy = ES 2 ° cs) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN PT 00431344 | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00431343 ME ae Ex Herb. (Jas.) Macnaz. J I. fy aS ba Le Lo LA ee a y seo ys Lz az / f eae 4a Liat Aaa ae From the Herbarium of the late WM. BRAND. a | LE i eS los ee a Wg (Presented by his Family, 24th Jan. 1878.) Bae VR GEE : i i a Age ME? &,, oN a Ww i iS
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet