OCR text
oo \eu ees SUK. A Sa HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA eo} e PAPUA NEW GUINEA NATIONAL HERBARIUM BOTANICAL COLLECTIONS SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 1973 CENTRAL DISTRICT P.N.G. SWAMP GRASSLAND a PAPUA ae anical Col 3otany, Dex ctions of the Division ment of Forests, Lae. 10 NGF 34760 J. Croft & Y. Lelean 17.9.73. (> Kagi Gap area, Kokoda Trail. District Central, Subdistrict Port Moresby, Altitude 1920 m. i 9 95S Long. 147 43 E 3] copyright reserved Montane moss forest. Single storey: thick Litter. Epiphytic herb, gloss dark green. Flowers white. Fam.: Orchidaceae es Name: -ostophyl1 Lu ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Aame+ Agrostophyl Lum EDINBURGH | | Il | Dupl.. sent to: LL. Bri: Ganb. 7A. 1, 00424701 om Bee. Sing. Sy@. Beh. PMH. ps’, 2 a Eel. MUN. Xho ton
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet