OCR text
vm \Wwco abun Sper . Poa hdol \ apr Hihes 20/1, HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARI FLORA OF PAPUA Botanical Collections of the Division of Botany, Department of Forests, Lae. LAE 60846 J. Croft et al. 28.12.73 10 copyright reserved Lecality’ Small plain North Onim hill S.E. slope Mt. Giluwe. Dist. S.H. Subdist. Mendi. Alt. 2100 m. Late: 6 10S Long.: 143 =59 fh Habitat: Remnant forest in miscanthus grassland. Many trees dead, dying or recovering. Annot,. Erect herb, height 60 cm. Leaves semigloss dark greene Flowers white. Fam.: Orchidaceae ing ‘ hic > eS | Ilo ba ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mess +e oste p "a See EDINBURGH zs | | | | | Dupl. sent to: L, Bri. Canb. A. K. Bog. Sing. _ 00424698 &- Sing. Syd. UH. PNH. US. Bish.
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet