OCR text
HOLOTYPE of Rayomrepny\wunn...eaiie... omasea-- (ns. Oncanachitenrs \H6)!. 29%. ..-(4009).- a Vj LL. A AMS NOM NITUATI frarortophas {lon esiaur' Or mxvrod | Sp- rev: ee Preden Reese te. HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIAZ6. OF 20// “ eA Pi I Zz Paci) Par ora Mao Pt 9 5 BA a a FLORA OF NEW GUINEA Botanical Collections of the Division of Botany, Department of Forests, Lae. STAR MOUNTAINS EXPEDITION 1975. LAE 66851 W. R. Barker, 28/3/75 copyright reserved Locality: Between Busilmin “airstrip" and River Din. Subdist. Telefomin, Dist. West Sepik. Alt. 1400 m Lat. 4 55:8 Long. 141 08 E Bemutae* Montane rainforest. PAPUA NEW GUINEA NATIONAL HERBARIUM Camp e AND RIJKSHERBARIUM LEIDEN Track <=. Annot.: STAR MOUNTAINS EXPEDI Grassiond a MON ee WEST SEPIK DISTRICT i a PAPUA NEW GUINEA a Epiphyte. Leaves: da'rk green dullish. Flowers: white throughout but for ees ae small yellow spot at base of labellum. a MARCH—JUNE 1975 AW, NZ hice WM M3 Anes 2 ve iz ns Wye 7 a4, hing Z \ iby \ TZ {5 Fam. Rare Orchidaceae ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Name: Age OS eh ela? EDINBURGH RUAN Whi, shite, sshny = 7 A oe HC ames 2 tee iGanbs Av K, | | | | | | | ANY NCTE Ee ee ee ea Bog.—Sing. Syd. Bish. PNH. US. EDN, [4an. AD. E00424696
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet