OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. thin /leco halum Seth 12 shlal valet Se . rf nt hkot olor “Rovat gOTANG GARDEN Re? 4 li | | il i | ll WM (lide ire is Ser i tl Ld Herb. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh ye aN ’ cel. ma (Syn Ms nen thot) FLORA OF NEW GUINEA 7 Ravosvo guahhuwn Powers Yellow, regals very ond Yount, CAMASON -Spotted : \albeMuwm dase etemron algoue , ousved, polo yulces Ywelwod. Swed wv , Daa’. rt. Vou asen, Bonanan co Uranen. Arle. elnoue Zteoo’. P. J. B. Woods No. 260% - ABP Sas 1968 Mee00564 mo) co) Pad +S co) ” 2 = x —) h Po) Qa ° o
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