OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. st wo w 7 eg S = fisretia gl it leveocephalum She. 5) 3 i slut Yo - Ue EL Sk 26, 08. LOU | : HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA ~ > BOTANIC GARDEN B [o) ul Herb. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh Wl E00424690 FLORA OF NEW GUINEA ? Proyoaro plugin Grown, Tarrelwolly ay Yost of Treen. Lowe chumys; Places Vote , Lip Sporhulete . Hine Bou Derick Ray sulod eda Vaga : oe a a PS MTA a aoa 6 is P.-J. B. Woods No. 2542 23% Tuy 1968
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet