OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. | st 0 wn ] Q Q g = A costo bn Pox sosumn Orwsrod 5-1. Wn Wy ‘lee Sp. Teletowence Onnd. irre. pel tl to pt. (eb re 35S um. ve \ awe; seas ) hha rch lh 96.204) : ae HARVARD U “RSITY HERBARIA Pa ae ha) CAY YAO 10 copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH CULTIVATED PLANTS Hane Playosvophuluumn Observations in cultivation Yew bo SS wn, Uoriahy, SvQh: Cun Haas- Cone ron , Garden location Date Ih. : @ us at Donor Det. /Yerif, P. Wooas NY. Hewd uw Details of original collection P | . . : Oprn Wew ona Ylovele hae hum Pomusulha ; Resalgieee cn nor amma Som 2 6 Ak, Pequrang oulage. Wn NN eee >. 2006
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet