OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. Meee@564 ees ies leveocaphe bmn Tes C2 (7 Boll HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA mo] co) > 1S co) n co) tw ood on sy = P) a fo} [) FLORA OF NEW GUINEA ORCHIDACEAE NAME Racostoghy [lam 4 Ly, qraminifeliun Sekt jn LOCALITY Upu @ ee South wf Garaina Gof ee Soe rsh > vyba tpewee. HABITAT 7 Et te a. [600m oll NOTES " | cr =I Leaves (4-5) , 19-35 K O'S -0-15 em Tw flosuceimeaes. 19°-246 cpceene ROYAL BOTANIC GAR RDEN Flowerg white with a little yelleo on Cert of mes | il E00424 i l| T.M.REEVENo. L458 DATE 10. ix.1F8X DUPLICATES LAE, K, J, E, CBG, NSU. [ le. tater ot Ho.c, Lainges}
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