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ROYAL bob y Wp Cer GARDEN EDINBURGH @ BA copyright reserved iy! AS See ROVANEDINBURGH el AM PLANTS OF THE ORIENT, 1963; May 20- M.JACOBS 6627 ‘COMPOSITAE Senecio coronopifolius DESF.-< Northern and western Iran. Place: 37812'N 45°21'E. Region: bake Regzaiyeh, SW.side.,iz,; 1300 m. Habitat: ruderal; sandy/gravelly soil. Senecio vernalis WALDST. & KIT. det./rev. Z. Nadalian Januar 1999 Notes: stems greyish green; leaves slightly Institut fir Spezielle Botanik und Botanischer Garten glaucou ge. Flowers yellow ° Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Seneciovtinolis Walolsh+ Ket, Expedition of the University of Minnesota, U.S.A., Dr. H E. Wright, Jr., leader. Sets of this collection were distributed by the Rijksherbarium, Leiden, Netherlands (L), to the Herbaria at Vienna (W), Minneapolis (MIN), Edinburgh (E) Kew (K), and Groningen (GRO). , Determinavit J.C. M. Alexander 1978 Cc
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