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Senecio vernalis WALDsT. & KIT. det./rev. Z. Nadalian J Institut fur Spezielle Botanik ae Loe und Botanischer Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz ercattey FELO-R-A..TURCOMANNIAE ASIATICAE =x. Herb ITER LEYDENSE 1959 COLLECTORES : E. HENNIPMAN, P. NIJHOFF, C. SWENNEN, A. S. TULP, W.J M. VADER, W. J. J. O. DE WILDE No. 1 he - Date; 8-4 Altitude +: 5 m ) aa Prov. : Antalaly Locality : Lara ( 10 ie te S.E. of Antalya) Habicat Oe Mecqech; pe cane y inundated falloa loamy soil; open vegetation Fieldnotes: (10-30 em) of herbs; drier places; common. Flowers bright yellow. p Genus: Denar Fam. : Compos itae ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN FLORA OF TURKEY EDINBURGH aaa Species) anamades Wat A. m, Matthews . a 00045653 UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH et: { , Ge ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved
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