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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WN) E00045654 FLORA OF TURKEY Agreed! is o- Booch 7+. Matthews UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH D Senecio vernalis WaALDST. & KIT. det./rev. Z. Nadalian Januar 1999 Institut fur Spezielle Botanik und Botanischer Garten Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Ge eeu Very deh ‘ HMA Determinavit. P. H. Davis. Abs FLORA OF ANTALYA REGION peerters are Site: Bucak—Pomucak road, c.8 km § Herb Flowers yellow, In 9.cooccifera scrub, on 1inéevened UR K EY Coll.J.K.Jackson no. 50028 3,.6.1964 COMPOSTTAR.. en. | E of Bucak. —Senecio sp.? Err a Ete] erae o< Mao g 1 A a 8 sg copyright reserved
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