OCR text
HERB. HORT. FNINR mMeee564 Plants of Indonesia Euphorbiaceae Aporusa nitida Merr xe] cy Pa eS 0) ” g ed xo aD = Pa) = fo} o Determined by: A.C. Church 8/95 Locality: Borneo. W. Kalimantan. Serawai. 8 Km NE of Desa Jelundung, Batu Lintang. 1.5 km SW of camp. Lat.: 0°) 30)" 579 8s ong::)me | 12)2eaco) nn 7710 Habitat Alt. 200 m Mixed Dipterocarp forest, clay soil; associates include: Shorea, Dipterocarpus, Artocarpus, Alstonia. : Steep slope. Morphology: Tree 12 m tall, 10 cm dbh. Outer bark brown, w Latex white. Fruit orange. od cream, Local name: Notes: Church, A.C., Mahyar, U.W. »Afriastini 1665 Wednesd ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN HERBARIUM scconmy cee, 01, 1995 og VARVARO UNVERSITY HERE
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