OCR text
MQe00323 R. peeephorum S R. calacosmum Det. D.F. Chamberlain 1979 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00411034 | xo] a) E ih Cd) 72) cD) he a=) eS aoe a > | om a (o} Col. GHORGH FORREST, june 1922. Viewed Det. Elizabeth Georgian May 25, 2013 Alt. 7 3-/ Boo fe. Locality 4 ¢ ‘i Cae Mande | Wisconsin State Herbarium (WIS) - : 7 e A Stat oF Aamating. Lac, DAB AS, | Be IY. Lan: g S a < Y i to fh > i | Zé. | | ~ Aormns a - c . 3 Kkrut~ 0f 3-47 <<? : hep Com ew, Anon c otal be ee ee 7.
R. pecephoram = R. calacosmum Det. D.F. Chamberlain 1977 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00411034 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN - EDINBURGH : E01455985 ROYAL You y WI Ce YONNAN, WEST G Coll. GHEORGHE FORREST. june 19228 No. AIFAL Viewed Det. Elizabeth Georgian May 25, 2013 Alt. 7 3- /4p, Boo 4 Wisconsin State Herbarium (WIS) 3 d r A kta Aamatong- Lac, 25°8 A. 4 / : Lorn: GS" 1 @ ; n 144K, copyright reserved oO. 0 wy fe) fax) g =
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