OCR text
| ROYAL BOTANIC GARDE! wii i 0392054 | | i HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF CHILE Diostea juncea (Gill. & Hook.) Miers Region VIII - Biobio: 8km from Nitrao towards Ralco, slopes of dry gorge above Rio Queuco. 37° A'S: “7c a7) Wee LOoom. Roadside scrub of forest dominated by Nothofagus obliqua, with Austrocedrus and Prumnopitys. Shrub to 2m with mostly leafless branches. Flowers pale lilac or almost white, in terminal panicles. Fruits pale brown. Seed collected. M.F. Gardner & s.G. Knees 5569 18 February 1993 & Be rT Te re ie Lal are
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