OCR text
ms Frere nD FIT PLANTS OF ARGENTINA com cy > | i o 177) o = | a] £ a = | =) 2 roe [S) © 36947 EDWARD K. BALLS, Collector Feb. 7 1939 To) i i re hk c9y9 ie ( / Ghintign & he Anker 1999-1934, Soxy, Gt. E.n. Bales, Mecutrs bnriivgne ie cee GIy “tm Gained henke AMS ope a, ( 4 . fe, , Aims Bronte 1H, C = ee le Kendle 18" lonig. Kaoae ( oprtating Aetiet: Prarrong a me Peopsce! = fo tig I z a S. 3806 fe. 8/A/)1V8F. | Angpenting , RCNA SON GARDEN |
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