OCR text
N ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN clad li ROYAL EDINBURGH a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00399578 I | Dr. C. Baenitz, Herbarium Americanum, v3 Lippia juncea (Gill. et Hook.) Schauer, teste v. Hayek. 0) ) f OOOO! V LS O10) "4 as Flora von Nordpatagonien (Argentinische Andenregion), ne Diostea juncea (Gill. & Hook.) Miers San Carlos de Bariloche (lago Nahuelhuapi, 41° s. Br.) Am Seeufer, " ‘as ‘Oo , ‘a\ 6./2. 1905. — 770 m. 0, Identified by H, N. MOLDENKE and cited = leg. Dr. Otto Buchtien. = by him in. his M aph of th s ZA WMI VE TO OOD GNI ON r i ee Ot the Genus HAHA GI TTT Oooo TO OOOO TOT NOL ONO TNO WOOO ROIS: September, 1936 ob copyright reserved
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