OCR text
& IFT iH ROYAL Tony WE Ce GARDEN EDINBURGH rey ie aL ale) FLORA oF CHILI, Coll, Clay rene Elliot, 1927-2 Yas ? Mofutiris Phi aia fe Ate ty ah hids pe nti PAL 2 dhoer, ssedliass ~ Ve IO « Verbena ay. One of the finest things 1 have found yet. ; wiry shrub 2-3 at. high with pin heads of eleer li ‘Le e fio were, Ast j ly swe scented. i think you will find « little y cerely hope you will sueered with this lovely f not hardy 1 consider 4% first rete. Hot Get.1G, 1927. Andacollo Valley. 4
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