OCR text
a ROYAL BOTANIC Le7 USP aN EDINBURGH copyright Ta) +60. Pe =D. ; ¢ a , : _ HLF, Comber ¢ , lla : ‘ Andes : : ae is Con bebe $A. ROA eee f + | | | Regia: AhexLeena. micrantha aeees E00399543 / 4 : oy 1119) ete. ate; 2) 1 aoe Alt: 3,000-4,000- Locality: Zapaia and nr. Palau Mahuida. Photo 112. Soft prostrate plant like Azorella, 6" = 5” “across, f iss white or pink lilac lined, plentiful in bed of dry laguna and near surroundings: Sandy soil.
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet