OCR text
ROYAL BTA CARDEN EROTETTU tdstd ndytteesta: SEPARATED from this specimen: micetine? . Ustila 14759 9 BOTANICAL MUSEUM OF UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI Finnish Botanical Expedition to West-Central Asia 1972 Sisymbrium irio L. AFGHANISTAN. Kandahar. (Loc. 115.) Kandahar, Centre. Garden of the Hotel Pozmey. Alt. 1000 m. May 8, 1972 leg. Mauri—Kerhonen—No. Itkka-Kukkonen-No~ Pertti Uotila No. det. Hedge 1974 16494 ROYAL EDINBURGH | 0 Z a) - — ® 7) cs) _ — to ce pa > a ° 2) icm SS
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