OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00449868 EROTETTU tdsta ndytteestd: SEPARATED from this specimen: Mere pang i ; 19 Uotla 19006 4 BOTANICAL MUSEUM OF UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI Finnish Botanical Expedition to West-Central Asia 1972 Rapistrum rugosum (L.)All, acre eee IRAN. Khorasan. (Loc. 238.) W of Chenaran village ca. 60 km W of Mashad. Waste land between wheat field and highway. $erig2tdon—ditels, Alt, 1200 m: Auge 1, 1972 leg. Mauri—Korhonen-No. —Fikka—Kukkonen—No. Pertti Uotila No. 14818 appr. Hedge 1974 fi = o a 2 hed = = 5 a ° rs)
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