OCR text
x] oO Ps t cy Yn o ue =) << 2 a ) 2. ° [s) a ; i . / = eee ie a % ‘— det. Per Wendelbo ! 19 y WwW Be ‘EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. FLORA OF TRAN Fumaria vaillanti Lois. Teheran; 5000 ft. altes garden weed, q Bee Stems 15" long, branched, slender, semi» prostrates leaves finely cut, flewers pale ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ‘ " EDINBURGH A pink with dark ¢ rimson tips ,in racemes 1" E00403799 | | tong; fruit spherical, P. Furse 1712 (1) 2. Be 1962
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