OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ok=y,Wiet=r-9 IU] 6] BY, Ce (eye) FLORA OF ARABIA bn tat CBee et oa Whe W992. Aup!- Yo .& nr Sto). (Btsint (erg Naaduvo SINVLOG TVAOU FLORA OF SAUDI ARABIA (e020. paver | fp 2VCH ACCES Al-Makhad, 18 km SW of Abha, near Al-Agiza, in and around a spring and its adjacent pond, weeds in fields near granite cliffs in the vicinity of the pond. 20 May 1980 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH £00402403 collected by L. Boulos & A.S,. Ads
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