OCR text
—— HERB. HORT. EDINB eo YAW IT-1-3 leo] BY Xe (ole) 8 H c) Ey (7) > ) 9 is) 2 Rey TNA Roy: TVAOU SS Ly VA FLORA OF ARABIA on a Wiad FLORA OF SAUDI ARABIA [l. 0.20. [a paver aubium L. Al-Makhad, 18 km SW of Abha, near Al-Aziza in and around a Spring and its adjacent : pond, weeds in fields near granite cliffs in the vicinity of the pond, fe 20 May 1980 N f a4 F R a \ x ROVAL BOTANIC GARDE collected by L. Boulos & A.5. Ads | det. L. Boulos, Kew (982_ E00402402
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