OCR text
Pe perwerdlateror, L. Sul Bigo(u.tiee) ieadectb yay laevigc, ty Tt AZ aor leory oP laeupatoun WN BS Co etiNiCers Nadavod SINVLOG TVAOU peeminait Soallon 1963 HERBS HORT BOI. REG..EDIN: FLORA OF TURKEY Prov. Nigde: Ala dag. Middle Narpi Rocky ground. Red poppy, black markings. Upright. 8-18 ins. N Q oO Le} JQ oO e ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Papaver dubium L. subsp. EDINBURGH laevigatum (M.Bieb. )Kadereit 2100 me 90 dune 1963. | | | | Det. J.W.Kadereit £ 1997 00402225 pent No. 109.
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet