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Type Specimen ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00326781 Determinayin 4 4 9 j iv Cuttin ti 9790999 naqacn NQ7099>39Kn neaep Herbarium Unive itatis Hebrai 2 lebraicae Hiercsolymitanae No. /0H/9 bout 0 Km. NW of Ama Porest rennants gen NW.of Amasya » Brey soil southern exposure. 640 , 10s fates ae eo Teg. M. Zohary Malus sylvestris Milk.subsp. orientalis /A.Uglitzkich/Browicz var.microphylla Browicz,var.nov. /Lepartment of botany,Hebrew Univer- sity, Jerusalem/. Holotypus. 9 10 copyright reserved 8 £ ©
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