OCR text
x] oO => Se oO n oO Ps a=] A jh ro a) 2. fe} oO ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00367415 FLORA or TURKEY M.J.E.COODE and B.MG.JONES. Coa C5 ADANA: 4d. Samandag, near Gevlik, 100 m. Limestone cliffs over- looking sea. N2: 646 8 May 1965 { 2 3 4 5 6 42—1 an | a — Sy —, j A is 15 TABUL Samsun. el |=? | 40 alee no eS = oe ait oO oYozgat | KUtahya i B Simavo Ce | i Loe ° Kay gerl <1 gakir Or, ° = J ~ ad. 4 T Nigdee ¢ | | L Addn 26 a put be r 36 fly) | Antak a : i 100 km 26 30 32 34 36 Poa annua L. Det. J.R. EDMONDSON 1985
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