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copyright reserved Det. J.R. EDMONDSON 1985 BOTANICAL MUSEUM OF UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI Finnish Botanical Expedition to West-Central Asia 1972 Poa annua L, det. A.Huber-Morath 1974 TURKEY. Trabzon. (Loc. 294.) Ca. 1 km N of Hamsikéy, ca. 60 km SW of Trabzon on the road to Gimiishane. Wet meadow on a steep slope between a house and the road facing E. YAL BOTANIC GARDEN Co Taig Alt. 1200 m. | | hug, 23, 1972 Lee. E00367409 RO Mauri—Korhonen No. Ilkka Kukkonen No. 812%
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet