OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC ICDA BB) Ne 8 c 3 te 7 xo} ® Po i o 179) o -— ae ao fc a) > 2. ° (o) Institutum Historiae Naturalis oo>woe nays mmo Universitatis Hobraitae Hierosolymitanae Dxw°-pox you npn> poO2 (DIR. PROF. O. WARBURG) Gaia) ws “mp Sr) FLORA PALAESTINAE EXSICCATA DRO w> - Vope RAS 14. Briza maxima L. Sp plweds 1(1N753). Ie len. 70; Met with in the grassy places through all the mediterranean parts of Western and Eastern Palestine, but uncommon. Ao Eng: ROVAL NBURGH Ramath-Gan, near Tel-Aviv; banks of a wady; 5. lV, 1928. | | Leg, M. Zohary. E00367253 )
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