OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN OC HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Mato Grosso do Sul No. R7514 Byrsonima intermedia Adr. Juss Vernacular name: Murici 22km from Cipolandia on the road to Jacobina, 20° 00'S 55° 20'W In dense cerrado somewhat degraded by cattle grazing 5 gS. Shrub, 2.2m tall. Flowers yellow. 24 ix 1996 Coll: J.A. Ratter, A. Pott, S. Bridge C.F.R. Cardoso & G.B. dos Santos water, J. Fonséca Filho, | | ivUTT} <P dais) . copyright reserved = ie ESS 124904910 (ere)
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