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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ig UL HERB. HORT. EDINB. s HSsa) 19499Y9.C I<Paaiis) ee)| a xo} i Pad i ® 7) co) bw eed = D gS Pe) 2 9° iS) FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Mato Grosso do Sul No. R7594 Annona dioica St. Hil. 8 km W of Paranaiba on the road to Sao Pedro, € 19° 2075/5112 20° W. In dense cerrado (cerrado sensu stricto.). Low multi-stemmed shrub, to 1.2m tall. Perianth pale yellowish cream. 2 xi 1996 J.A. Ratter, J. Fonséca Filho & Sueli M. Gomes
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