OCR text
9° o xo} ba = io} =" = = 0) ” @ = 4 @O a Universitatis Hebraltae Hlerosolymitanae = ooowin> nemayA AMORA DIVISIO BOTANICA mp:30135 apdonp FLORA DAGAESTINAG GHOICCATA DRI “PIN ony 225. Parietaria judaica L. Sp. pl. p. 1492. Phytogeogr. value: A plant of connection of the Mediterranean and Irano-Turanian regions penetrating into the Eurosibirian-Boreoamerican region. The leading plant of the Parietarietum judaicae, a typical association of shady walls and rocks. Common in the Mediterra- nean territories of Palestine and rare in favourable places of the Saharo-Sindian territories. A. Eig, ON. Fein brine t Mee oa ae Jerusalem, Wadi Messalabe, on an ancient wall, 15. VIil. 1933. Leg. IT. Bosnier, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH il E00404785 |
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